Sunday, October 23, 2005

Neon signs

I have an ever changing theory on big neon signs.

The biggest problem with big neon signs is that someone always feels like an idiot. Meaning that if you had to create "the sign" and be so bold and blunt, several not so awsome things could happen: the person you made "the sign" for feels stupid for not having picked up on it at first. or that person is in the awkard position to have to tell you (without a way around it) that actually, they had picked up on the signs but weren't interested [makes you wonder how you missed those signs].

So, let's be honest. The only kind of signs we like are the ones that say what we want. It's not so true, all the time, that we can handle the truth (at least not right away). Sure, the truth is always to much better than wondering what the heck another person is thinking. So, why is it so hard to be honest? Could it be because being honest requires trust, and trusting people means that all of a sudden you don't have complete control over your emotions or reactions, and giving up a little bit of control means that now you have a foundation to form relationships with people that could potentially hurt you?

Point being: The truth hurts sometimes, and no matter which way you look at it or want to interpret it: the truth is merely a fact that exists with or without your knowledge or approval. And you gotta accept that sometimes for nothing more or nothing less than that.


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