Thursday, December 14, 2006

A sign of too much free time

This is the story about a boy. Of course it's about a boy, when is it not?? You may think you have heard the story before, but you haven't. Yes, it may have the same beginning, but this story still does not have an ending.

So the story begins, I don't really know when, but about a year ago at least. I have this bad habit of going to the applicant lunches. What are my motivations you ask?? 1. to recruit people to come to this awsome school 2. to check out the cute boys

As always, I make friendly with the cute boys, especially if they have accents. Then, being the social butterfly that I am, I weave in and out of conversations with as many cute boys as I can. I then cross my fingers and hope they come to our school. I attend as many revisit events as possible and try to convience people (especially the cute boys) that they will have a great time if they come. And some do and it makes me happy. And every year, there is at least one, sometimes more, that are able to sustain my attention.

The lucky one this year, is one of the sweetest boys ever. We have good, interesting conversations effortlessly. But much to my dislike, I seem to be in the role of the "older one" giving advice. Which, let's be honest, is kinda true. I'd much rather we break out of those roles...

I could describe the many things I like about him, but it's mostly that he is good-looking, has a fabulous smile, talks with this great accent, looks at everyone with bright, beautiful brown eyes, and can dance up a storm. All good qualities I look for in a guy...

Problem is, I can't remember the last time I had a crush on a half-descent guy. And while good guys are a little hard to come by, I always seem to have bad timing once I find one. Meaning that I am in desperate need of a good crush and ways to make something, anything, happen. Oh and lets not forget that whole fear of relationships thing I have and the fact that I rarely, if ever, take any risks when it comes to finding out whether a guy likes me or not. I am a big fan of the one way relationship, where I like him and he has no idea. But a little ity bity piece of me wants that to change.

So there are a couple of things that need to be figured out and explored. First of all, I am not sure whether or not he has a girlfriend. He has lots and lots of friends that are girls, but love interests, I am not sure. Which let me say, that if he does, I move on. See, growing up right in front of your eyes. Two, it's kinda hard to accidentally run into him since he is not in my class and I have no reason to be around. If I come around too often, it could start getting weird, and not to mention obvious.

We have had a flirty exchange in the last few weeks, but neither one of us has done anything about it really. He asked me to save a dance for him at our formal, but I just didn't run into him again that night. I sent him a happy birthday message. And his reply was "thanks, and you still owe me dance." That tells me he remembers, but other than that, I got nothing.

I have no experience in creating opportunities for possible run-ins, nor do I think I'll be able to just because my anxiety level is running pretty high. All I have left to go on now is a dance that I promised him.

I am now obsessing over my pseudo-crush on a younger guy and what may or may not be signs of flirting....AHHHH


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