Sunday, March 19, 2006

Just by chance

Today has been a day that I have pondered if what happens to us on a daily basis is just pure chance or if it is meant to be.

I am starting to strongly believe that coicidence is life's way of pointing out the obvious. I once asked for signs to do things and when I got them I was freaked about by it, so I quit asking for signs.

But now they come, even when I don't ask for them. And if things work out in the end, I might as well just take the risk and believe that it is for the best. And if it's not, then I will be given a chance again. But if I am not, then I am strong enough of a person to make the best of it.

Regardless, I am what I make of the cards that life hands me. I make the choice to live the way I do. And I take responsibility for my choices and my actions. And I will not let a random wind knock me down. I will fight for what I want and I will create my own luck and my own chances.


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