Thursday, March 16, 2006

slippery slope

in ethics, we talk about a slippery slope in the sense of: when you make an exception or allow one thing to happen for X reason, then what keeps you from continuing to make exceptions and allowing more of the same, w/ progressively worse consequences, for X reason.
So I am falling quickly down a slippery slope. At first I only talked to one person about it. then I talked to a few more (but that was ok b/c they were don't like here[exception]). But now, I seem to talk more and more about it and I can't seem to stop. AHHH! I could quite possibly be near saying something really stupid or hurtful if I can't keep my mouth shut. And I really don't want people to figure out how I really feel about this person, b/c it won't be good for anyone. I need to learn how to be honest and quite blowing things out of proportion and taking responsibility for my actions and my feelings. wish me luck.


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