Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Maverick and Change

Just in case you had not noticed, this blog has changed a bit. The backgroud, the title, the frequency of posts, etc. Mostly because I got tired of being so gloomy; I can only do gloomy for so long.

Change of Topic:
Yesterday I went to a panel of fourth year students that had matched in emergency medicine. Thought I could get some concrete advice (and insight) about what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Pros about emergency medicine:
1. shift work - go in, do your thing, go home
2. night shift - i don't sleep anyways
3. no patient follow up - i have commitment issues
4. Last resort - i love being the unsung hero
5. adrenaline - always on the move
6. a little bit of everything

Cons about emergency medicine:
1. night shift - i love having evenings off
2. no patient follow up - i care too much to not know what happens next
3. Last resort - there is something too wrong with our health care system if you have people coming to the ER for a cold
5. Most of the time patients hate you b/c it takes about 12 hours to see someone in the ER
6. Too much to know

yes, I did the list so that they would be even, but there is something one of the fourth years said about the kind of people that go into emergency medicine. They are usually are the mavericks, the independent ones that can solve anything with their wit and few resources. And as much as I would like to think that is me, it isn't. I have much more of a sheltered experience. I am too dependent and as far as experiences: Not really a city girl, but not really a country girl either. Like the outdoors, but not really. What I do like is the idea of being the first line of defense in case of emergencies. Do what you need to do get someone out of danger and pass it off; that I think I like. I am also the first person to run when it come to not being in control. I like to know what happens in the end and think I have some control over what is going on around me. On one hand, emergency medicine, let's you control the current situation, but how much control does anyone have on saving lives? The bad part is that you see people die all the time, and I don't know if I can handle that.

So, can you see me as a maverick, changing the world one person at a time?
for me, it depends on the day and how adventurous I feel.


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