happy father's day
I wish a sincere happy father's day to those men that have made a difference in their children's life.
Because i think being a father has to be tough. But if you make the effort, admit you are not perfect, and try your very hardest to just be there, unconditionally, you definately get an "E" for effort (guess that goes for moms too, but i'm not talking about them). In a world like this one, where families are split all the time, it think men would be surprised how a little effort could go a long way.
All I am saying is that, yes, women can raise children on their own and be successful and happy, and never look back and think "what if?" But it is a little less scarring to have your dad around. And, trust me, I know that not all men (or women for that matter) are ready to be parents or are just plain mean, and maybe they have made mistakes in their lives that justify never having another chance, and maybe you are way better without them, but it does leave a tiny little hole in your life that nothing else can fill. It's this tiny little hole that you can totally live a very happy and fulfilled life with, but something will always be missing.
Fathers don't have have to be invinsible, they just have to be there and show that they love you. And, I guess, if you can't do that, just disappear. Because your children are better off without you. If you make that choice to go, just know you can come back and try to make things better when you are mature enough, but you might not always be welcome back (and that is a consequence that must be lived with for the rest of your life.) Some choices in life are big and having kids is one of the biggest ones. Unlike marriage, you can't divorce your kids and just pick up new ones. Your children are yours no matter what. You are an undeniable part of them and no matter who much drama or time goes by, that will never change.
So if one day you become a parent, learn from the mistakes of your own parents. Sure, you will have to make some of them on your own, but it is a start. And if some injustice was done to you as a child, try your very best to not do the same to your children. And remember there is a fine line between making sure your child's life is better than yours and just spoiling them rotten, tread carefully.
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