Wednesday, January 31, 2007

when i can't talk

Sometimes I don't even know if there is anything to say and if there is I just don't know how to say it. I try, but fail a lot of the time. Then just want to be left alone.

It's not fair and it's not logical. And I really don't know if I want to be pushed or want to be left alone. I don't know if I want to hear the truth or if I just want to hear what I want to hear. I don't know if I'll believe what I hear. It really doesn't make a difference. I know it's all in my head. I have these lengthy conversations with myself all the time and I re-play them all the time with the voices of my friends and what I think they will say, but nothing makes it easier to say or to figure out.

So, when I can't talk, it's because there are so many thoughts, I don't know what they are, how they are connected or why. And it doesn't make sense to me, so I don't want anyone else to figure it out but me. When I do, I'll let you know. I promise.


I'll admit that filling out surveys allows me to focus my thoughts on things that I would normally ignore. For example, every year around my birthday, I reflect on past birthdays and how much has changed in the past year, 5, 10, 15, 20 (yep, i remember that far back.) So a few days ago I filled out this survey on my space and I decided today that I wanted to a more detailed record of what was going on in my head when I filled this out.

__10 YEARS AGO__

1.) How old were you? 15

This was the year that I started high school. I just came from what felt like "top dog" to the bottom of the social ladder. But whatever, I didn't have that many friends in school anyways. More on this to come.

2.) Where did you go to school? TM (freshman year)

I had decided to become a swimmer because I knew I would never make it on the basketball team, I hated to run, and I loved being in the pool more than anything. However, once I was on the team, we ran all the time, but I eventually got over it. That year, I believe was the hardest I ever worked. Around this time of year we ended up winning the district championship and I was able to swim in my very first regional swim meet. I came in dead last in both of my events, but it didn't matter, because I still got to swim.

3.) Where did you work? what's work??

I never really had a job before, all my work had always been school. And high school work took a little more effort than middle school, but eventually I got the hang of it.

4.) Where did you live? at my Tia Mary's house w/mom, 2 aunts and 1 uncle

This year was the beginning of the end of my stay with at my aunt's house. Things were no where near the same as the year before. My uncle had been away most of the year, so we did as we pleased. But he came back after I was 15 for a much more permanent stay. And it was awful. One of the most defining times of my life.

5.) Where did you hang out? at church, with my church friends

I only really had friends at church. By the time I was 15 I had spent two years at a church "in town." All my friends where there. We saw each other a minimum of 3 times a weeks. It was harder for me to hang out with them because they all went to school together or could at least get to each other's houses, but I lived so far away that was almost impossible. That didn't matter. They were my friends. In retrospect, we were just a bunch of kids looking for people to accept us and creating lots and lots of drama in the process. Someone was always fighting about a boy, or talking behind someone's back. Oh, to be a teenager again!!
My school friends were limited. The people that I had hung out with in middle school had all become "too cool" to hang out with me. I did sit with the same group of people at lunch for all 4 years, but I didn't have any classes with them, nor did we see each other outside of school. And once again, they all hung out together because they could get to each other's house, but I was out in the middle of nowhere.

6.) Did you wear glasses? contacts

No one ever saw me in glasses after 7th grade, until the middle of college. By this time I was wearing green contacts, after a brief trial with hazel, grey, and violet!

7.) Who were your best friends? i don't think i knew the meaning of "best friends"

The people I had the most fun with and talked to the most where my church friends. Sandra I would have to say was the one that I would talk to about my drama. Chris was probably the one that I talked to the most. I told him just about everything. I don't think it was reciprocal, but we did spend quite a considerable part of the day just talking to eachother.
At school, Ruth would be the one that I had the most in common with and the one I saw most outside of school. As open as I was back then, I don't think I ever trusted anyone with any of my secrets.

8.) How many tattoos did you have? zero
9.) How many piercings did you have? just my ears
10.) What car did you drive? no car

11.) Had you been to a real party yet? not in this country

"real" party: no. I only really went out and danced and went crazy during my time in Mexico. My old babysitters, who are 8-10 years older than me, started taking my out at the age of 13/14 and let me start drinking around that age as well. When I went to visit, I was guarenteed on night of clubbing, a visit to the beach or one night of the girls hanging out with some alcohol. All in good safe fun, b/c even they weren't really that crazy.

12.) Had your heart broken? only by one boy

Many a tale has been told about Chris. But anyone who spends 7 years in your life, especially when you are 13-19 is bound to be a part of many many stories, that will probably be told to my grandkids at some point. At 15 we had already been through so much. I adored him and I guess I'll never know exactly how he felt, but I don't think it really makes that much difference. We spent so much of our time together, except, of course, when he was with his girlfriend. He did and said so many things that make me think I was a good part of his life, except actually ever asking me to be his girlfriend or telling me that he "loved" me.

13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: single, working on bitter

I think I was only bitter because when you are 15, you don't do rational. And the boy that had my heart only seemed to toy with it. So I was kinda bitter that he always picked someone else before me. And that would stay with me for a long time.

14.) Were you a virgin? yep
But most importantly, never been kissed.

----------5 YEARS AGO----------

1.) How old were you? 20
2.) Where did you go to school? Texas A&M-CC (sophomore year)
3.) Where did you work? didn't work yet
4.) Where did you live? with my mom and tia mica
5.) Where did you hang out? at Deb's, Stacy's, Christina's, school, random places
6.) Did you wear glasses? only contacts
7.) Who were your best friends? Abby and Barbie
8.) Who was your crush? Brandon, Alex, Christian (in chronological order and in increasing degree of "like"--boy, it was a crazy year)
9.) How many tattoos did you have? None
10.) How many piercings did you have? None
11.) What car did you drive? Ford Escort
12.) Had you had your heart broken? not too bad, only a little bruised, but that could have just been my ego ;)
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: single, took until the end of that year to get me over bitter, but succeeded in the end
14.) Were you a virgin? Yep

This was a crazy time. I had graduated high school, we had moved out of my aunt's house and I was in the middle of my sophomore year of college. I call this my "rebellious" year. I didn't want to follow any of my mom's rules. I just want to go out and party. I was hanging out with Deb and Christina who did just that. I followed them around and got into lots of trouble with my mom, but I don't think I would have changed that. It was good for me to test my boundaries. I think I began to understand more of who I wanted to be and who I didn't.
A few months earlier in the year I had gotten my first kiss (Chris), but what was most striking about when I was 20, was Christian. That boy undid my experience with Chris in a few short months with only a few conversations. It was the fastest I had ever fallen. But it was good.

***JANUARY 2007***

1.) How old are you? just turned the big 25
2.) Where do you go to school? WCMC
3.) Where do you work? Advantage Testing
4.) Where do you live? NYC with Jenn
5.) Do you wear glasses? mostly contacts, but glasses when i've been awake for too many hours
6.) Who is your best friend? Abby, Barbie, Eging, Stacy, jenn
7.) Do you talk to your old friends? only the one's i like (j/k)
8.) How many piercings do you have? still only my ears
9.) How many tattoos? zero
10.) What kind of car do you have? Scarlet is an Elantra, but she's at home with my tia mary
11.) Has your heart been broken? Yes, but nothing I can't heal
12.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter? Single and loving it
13.) Still a virgin? yep

And now at 25, I live in a different city, I have more friends, and a little more experience in my pocket. I feel like I have a better understanding of friendship than I did 10 years ago. I admire, respect, and love my friends unconditionally. Sure I getting a little bitchy, irritated, annoyed, and withdrawn sometimes, but that doesn't change the fact that I trust them above all else. As far as the "romance department" goes. That hasn't changed much. There's really only been one other boy in the picture, but apparently I still haven't learned the "we can only be good friends" lesson. Hopefully next time I will.
But I like where I am. I don't always enjoy the self-discovery part, but I guess it is something I have become to accept with time (don't get me wrong, I'll still bitch about it.) It's the self-discovery part of medical school that really has me really wondering where I am heading in the next few years.

The fluctuation of myself confidence and what I want to do with my life, may be the only thing that remains constant. I have been lucky (or worked hard) to have achieved the things that I have thus far. So the track record says that things will likely work out the best possible way and when I look back on it, my reflections will be largely positive. However, I don't know if that is enough to pick me up. I know that I have been trying to pick myself up for a long time now, but only seem to sustain that for very short periods of time.

What I find the most disconcerting is my inability to walk with my head held high, sure of what I want and where I'm going. I look away, I look down, I look to others for answers. It scares me to know what I want and be afraid to never get it. I don't know when I lost sight of my goals. What upsets me the most is that I just didn't listen when people were telling me things were important. I would have never put my academic career in jeopardy. Ever. Anytime a grade was not what I wanted I worked twice as hard so it never happened again. And it never did. Until I got here. And now I don't know if it's that I'm not working hard enough, or that I am trying to do it all on my own, or if this is even something I am good at. I don't know how to ask questions or ask for help anymore. I can't talk to people in authority and seem truly interested.

Everything seems to spinning so fast out of my control. I don't know with certainty where I am heading. The last time this happened to me, I tried to run away, but before I got too far, things ended up working out perfectly. However, I think my luck has run out. I haven't worked nearly hard enough to deserve a second chance or for things to work out, and I know that and it's hard more me to accept, but it is even harder for me to change. I want to learn from these mistakes, but I don't know how to do it without feeling sorry for myself.

And to top it off, all I can hear is my stupid dad lecturing me about goals and not judging things before doing it and how it's hard to come from behind and that you don't always get second chances. And I hate him for it. I hate him for being able to torture me without even being around. I hate that I can't ask him the questions I want the answers to and I hate that I am too coward to take control of my own future. I hate that I feel like I have to stand alone, when I am surrounded by people that love me and support me and believe in me. I hate that I create all of this inside my head and that I can't let it go.

So who knows where I will be 5, 10, 15 years down the road and how different I will be. Who knows what I will think when I re-read this at some later date or what great big lesson I will have learned. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Life Survey

**I started this before I realized, it's kinda boring, but read if you must.**


01. Have you ever really cried your heart out?
plenty of times

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
more than i can recall

03. Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
done that too!

04. Do you cry when you get an injury?
depends on who is around and how many bones are broken


01. Are you a happy person?
i like to think so

02. What can always make you happy?
my friends, ice cream, the beach

03. Do you wish you were happier?
who doesn't, but that would be kinda scary

04. Is being happy overrated?
being happy is under-rated

05. Can music make you happy?
almost all the time


01. How many times have you had your heart broken?
completely broken, i don't know; but i sure has been beat up

02. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for the person?
yes, there are people i would give my life for in a heartbeat; however, i don't know if they would let me...

03. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said they loved you?


01. Are you in a relationship?
no, single as always

02. Are you happy?
yes (imagine that, a single girl happy being single)

03. Do you look at other girls/guys?
yep, I have radar for hot guys

04. Think your honest?
i try to be; i don't like lying

05. Been cheated on?
not exactly

06. Have a crush on a person?
real specific, time-worthy, daydreaming kinda


01. Who do you actually hate?

02. Have you ever made a hit list?
yes, and i've threatened to make it look like an accident

04. Are you a mean bully?

05. Do you like George Bush?
Being as judgemental as I am, I'll have to go with..NO


01. Are you good looking?
depends who's looking ;P

02. Do you wish you could be someone else?
nope, i like me


01. clothes?
yes, work clothes (dressy) to be exact

02. Shorts:

03. Shoes?
work tennis shoes

04. Underwear?
warm ones

05. Necklace?
not today


01. Been hugged?

02. Been on the phone until the sun came up?
once or twice

03. Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?
more than once

04. Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
just a little


01. Person you talked to in person?
the floor resident

02. Person you last talked to online?
haven't chatted online in a really, really long time..

03. Person you talked to on the phone?
my mom

04. Person you texted?

05. Person who made you laugh?

06. Person messaged on myspace?

07. Last time you had a shower?


01. Do you like surveys?

02. What kind of shampoo do you use?

03. Do you get along with your parents?
i love my mommy

04. Do you have mental breakdowns?
almost daily!

05. Did you ever fake being sick?
oh, yeah


01. Current Mood:

03. Current hair:
in a bun

04. Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing:
studying, working, cleaning my room, grocery shopping

05. Current Windows:
my space, email, itunes,nytimes

06. Current desktop picture:
something generic

Monday, January 15, 2007

Seriously people....

Pizza chain takes peso, and Complaints

*Some people are just out there....* I can't believe I share air with some of these people.*

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, a group that seeks to limit immigration, said he was concerned that Hispanics could create a parallel mainstream in the United States.

“It’s a trivial example, but Hispanics now have their own pizza chain,” Mr. Krikorian said. “It’s a consequence of having too many people arrive from a single foreign culture, and may well reflect a kind of cultural secession.”

*not the whole article was like this, but this did catch my attention.